Benvenuti Vina Benvenuti Vina

General business terms

Basic information about the seller

The consumer, in the capacity of the buyer, concludes a contract of sale with DELI REN d.o.o., CELEGA 9, 52466 Novigrad, OIB: 78079473424 (hereinafter: the Seller) as a seller.

Seller Information

Name: DELI REN d.o.o.

Headquarters: CELEGA 9, 52466 Novigrad

Entered in the register of the Commercial Court in Pazin, MBS: 130102722

Commercial bank and giro account number IBAN: PBZ dd, IBAN: HR7823400091111061269

OIB: 78079473424

Members of the Society: Renato Bauer

Share capital: 50.000,00 kuna

Email address:

Legal entities as customers are subject to the application of the Civil Obligations Act and the Electronic Commerce Act, and the Consumer Protection Act does not apply to them. These General Terms and Conditions apply to legal entities in the part related to the main features of the product, the procedure of concluding the contract, the price of the product, the method of payment and shipping of the product, the description of the delivery method and delivery costs, general information, warranty and service conditions, disclaimer, and the moment of concluding the contract. The seller may, at his choice, grant the legal person in each specific case the rights of the buyer who is a consumer.

The user is a person who uses the website, as well as every customer and visitor of the website (hereinafter: the website).

The conclusion of sales contracts via the website is regulated in accordance with legal provisions, taking into account in particular the principles and provisions of European Union directives. Concluding a contract through a website is the conclusion of a distance contract.

These General Terms and Conditions are also a pre-contractual notice, and refer to the conclusion of a contract of sale if the buyer is a consumer or any natural person who enters into a legal transaction or operates in the market outside its trade, business, craft or professional activity, and if the contract is concluded between the trader and the consumer within an organized system of sales or provision of services without the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer in one place, using only one or more means of remote communication until the contract is concluded.

Means of remote communication are all means that are can without the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer be used to enter into distance contracts, such as the Internet and email.

The Agreement is concluded when the User places an order and accepts these Terms. It is considered that the User fully accepts these Terms with the completed order. Users are instructed to familiarize themselves with these Terms and Conditions before purchasing and to check them regularly in order to be aware of all rights and obligations.

The seller may terminate the contract of sale if the buyer does not pay the purchase price, and is not obliged to deliver the product until the time of receipt of the purchase price. If for some reason the buyer does not pick up the shipment and returns it to the seller, the seller will repeat the delivery 2 more times and after a total of 3 failed delivery attempts, the seller will not repeat other deliveries.

An integral part of these General Terms and Conditions are the General Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection.

The content of the website is available in English. The official language for concluding sales contracts is Croatian.

User registration

In order for Customers to make a purchase on the website, registration is not required. It is only necessary to leave a valid e-mail address (the one you have access to) of the User in the first step of the ordering process in order to be able to send an order confirmation.

Basic product features

The customer gets acquainted with the basic features of the product on the website.

Seller reserves the right to change information, including product prices and special offers on the site without prior notice.

The image of the product is accompanied by a description of the main features of the product and its price including VAT.

Prices are retail, expressed in HRK and include the corresponding VAT. The price of each product is determined for each product individually. The process of entering the price on the page is a highly controlled process, but entering prices requires a human factor, and implies the possibility of error.

The seller is authorized to change prices without prior notice. Also, the Seller is authorized to determine the discount, daily or weekly promotions, promotions for an individual product, group of products and / or for all products without prior notice.

Notwithstanding the previous point of these General Terms and Conditions, all ordered goods will be delivered at the prices that were valid at the time of making the offer.

Prices, payment terms and special offers are valid only at the time of ordering and / or payment.

The seller completely disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy and / or completeness of all information and content contained on the website.

The seller reserves the right to make errors in the description and image of the product set according to the information of the manufacturer.

The seller places all materials, photos and text on the website in good faith to make it easier for the buyer to make a choice when making a purchase. The seller does not guarantee that the photos of the product fully correspond to the appearance of the product itself. The Seller is not responsible for possible unintentional errors in the product description. There may be differences between the actual product and the product photo and the product described on the website, if the manufacturer changes any of the characteristics or content of the product. All descriptions are checked regularly and in detail.

The vintage year of the wine we sell is not necessarily the year that is visible in the description or on the photo of the wine. If you want a certain vintage year of the selected product, please contact us at or when sending the order, write the desired vintage year in the notes so that we can prepare it for delivery if it is still available. You will receive an answer to every inquiry you send us before the wine is sent to you.

The procedure of concluding a contract of sale between the Seller and the User

Purchasee is made on the website by filling out the form provided. When filling out the form, the buyer is obliged to enter all the information required of him. The purchase can be made with the confirmation of the buyer that he has previously read and understood the General Terms and Conditions, and that he has agreed to them and that he is aware that this is an order with an obligation to pay. Shopping is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Seller is not responsible for the cost of using computer equipment and telecommunications services required to access the service. The customer will be notified by e-mail of the order confirmation (receipt of an e-mail containing the customer's offer) and sending the shipment.

The purchase of products and / or services in the name and on behalf of a minor or a person deprived of legal capacity (in whole or in part) may be requested only by their legal representatives.

Product search is possible by different criteria. By entering a certain term in "Search", products related to the specified term will appear. The customer can choose a specific product that interests him and read the available product description so that he can independently decide whether the product meets his needs. The Buyer selects the products from the Seller's product catalog, which is arranged according to the types of products.

Product ordering is done electronically. By clicking on the "Add to cart" icon, the selected product is added to the cart. By placing the product in the cart, the product is not reserved or ordered or purchased. The customer can continue to add products by clicking on "Continue shopping" or review the cart by clicking on the cart icon or complete the product selection process by clicking on "Delivery and payment information". When the customer completes the product selection process, clicking on "Delivery and payment information" will be redirected to a page where he selects the payment method, delivery method, enters the code if he has a discount coupon, puts additional notes if any, and selects the appropriate option if he wants R1 account. It is not possible to continue the purchase without ticking the box "I agree to the Terms of Purchase" by marking which the buyer confirms that he has read and understood these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase, and that he agrees with them. By clicking on "Back to cart" the customer can change the contents of the cart. If the customer agrees to purchase the products that are in the cart, he can click on the "Confirm order" button. After the customer completes the order by clicking on the "Confirm order" button, the seller will send an order confirmation to the customer's e-mail address with the same number confirming that the customer's order has been received and is being processed.

If the customer does not receive the ordered products paid for within 20 working days (Saturday, Sunday and non-working days are excluded) from the payment, or 20 working days (Saturday, Sunday and non-working days are excluded) from concluding the sales contract with the agreed payment upon receipt, is obliged to inform the Seller about the same to the e-mail address

If the buyer has not received the purchase confirmation by e-mail within 72 hours or it is not possible to access the service in the manner specified in the e-mail, he is obliged to contact the seller at the e-mail address

In the event that the Seller for any reason is unable to deliver any of the ordered products, the Buyer will be contacted, by phone or e-mail, by an employee of the Seller for the purpose of agreeing on the delivery of a replacement product or possible cancellation of the ordered product.

In case of problems or ambiguities during the order, the buyer can contact the Seller at the e-mail address or every working day (Saturday, Sunday and non-working days are excluded) from 8 am to 3 pm on the mobile number +385 98 606 264.


Delivery of the order is made by the Seller, the product/s from the order will be shipped to the delivery service within 1-2 working days, and to the User within 3-5 working days (Saturday, Sunday and non-working days are excluded, except for islands, depending on the ferry timetable) upon receipt of payment of the purchase price.

Delivery of the product is done through (name of delivery service - EUROSENDER.COM) with which the Seller has a contractual relationship, or through the employee of the Seller.

The products will be packed in such a way that they cannot be damaged by normal handling during transport.

The seller delivers to certain countries within the European Union.

Users are obliged to pick up and inspect the shipment in front of the courier in order to avoid subsequent complaints due to the possibility of damage to the shipment during delivery, or to refuse to pick up the shipment on which external damage is visible.

If the Seller is not able to deliver the ordered product, he will inform the User. The user can cancel the order or wait until the product is available again. If the Seller is not able to deliver the product within the agreed period, it notifies the buyer, who is obliged to leave him a subsequent reasonable period for the fulfillment of the sales contract.

If the Buyer does not take over the product or refuses to take over the product without a valid reason, the Seller reserves the right to demand reimbursement of handling, transportation and other possible costs.

The user is obliged to sign the delivery note when taking over the goods, and the delivery service takes it as a confirmation of collection. The signature on the acknowledgment of receipt of the shipment shall be deemed to have taken over the product without any visible visible damage.

If the User wishes to arrange a specific delivery date, he is obliged to write it in the "NOTE" field when placing the order, so that the Seller can transfer the appointment to the delivery service.

In cases when the delivered product to the Customer is different from the one he bought, he has the right to deliver the ordered product, only if he did not use the wrongly delivered product and product can be put on sale again.

If it is not possible to replace the ordered product, and it is not possible due to the Seller's error, the User is entitled to a refund in the amount of the paid product price, delivery price and refund of product return costs, and he is obliged to return the wrong product, only if he has not use wrongly delivered product and it can be put on sale again.

Delivery cost

The cost of delivery is visible on - Shipping costs.

Exceptionally, for the area of Novigrad (personal collection at the branch) delivery is free for all orders.

Free delivery from the previous point applies only and exclusively to the following postal code 52466.

Delivery prices are displayed on the website and include the corresponding VAT.

The cost of delivery is calculated automatically when you buy the product and you are issued a pro forma invoice with the price of the purchased products and the delivery price.

The cost of delivery will be shown in the cart with the price of the product.

The cost of delivery in the Republic of Croatia and Europe is shown on the Web Shop and is valid at the time of purchase, ie order, and is not responsible for future price changes related to delivery.

Method of payment

Payment on the website is made in euros and kunas.

The buyer undertakes to pay for the ordered products by one of the following payment methods:

  • by bank transfer or general payment slip,
  • using card payment services: Maestro, MasterCard, Visa, Visa Inspire, Diners, American Express or Discover..

Payment by bank transfer or general payment slip

If you have chosen to pay by bank transfer or general payment slip, a confirmation of your order will be sent to your e-mail address. Seller's employees will contact you as needed.

If the payment for the product is made via a general payment slip or bank transfer, the user must fill in the following information on the payment slip::

  • IBAN: HR7823400091111061269
  • Reference number: 99 - bid number
  • Recipient: DELI REN, CELEGA 9, 52466 Novigrad
  • OIB: 78079473424

Upon receipt of payment, the Seller will send the ordered products. The ordered products are delivered to the User in accordance with the delivery conditions from these Terms.

Credit card payment

Payment directly via the Internet, using the most modern credit card payment service: American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and Diners.

The contract for the sale of products between the User and the Seller is concluded at the time of ordering the product, and the product will be shipped to the delivery service within 2-4 working days (Saturday, Sunday and non-working days are excluded) upon receipt of payment.

The buyer is obliged to request the R1 invoice when fulfilling the order, subsequent requests for the R1 invoice will not be accepted.

The agreed purchase price includes all taxes and duties and is expressed in Croatian kuna.

Statement on the use of WSPay use WSPay for online payments. WSPay is a secure system for online payment, real-time payment, credit and debit cards and other payment methods. WSPay provides the customer and merchant with secure registration and transfer of entered card data, which is confirmed by the PCI DSS certificate that WSPay has. WSPay uses SSL certification of 256 bit encryption and TLS 1.2 cryptographic protocol as the highest levels of protection when writing and transferring data.

Privacy Statement

Seller undertakes to provide protection of personal data of buyers, so that it collects only the necessary, basic data on buyers / users that are necessary to fulfill the Seller's obligations. The Seller informs Users about how to use the collected data, regularly giving customers the option of usage of their data, including the ability to decide whether or not to remove their name from the lists used for marketing campaigns.

All User data is strictly kept and is available only to employees who need this data to perform their work. All employees of the Seller and business partners of the Seller are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.

Refund and complaint

The Consumer/User may unilaterally terminate the contract within 14 days without giving a reason.

The period of 14 days begins to run from the day when the product is handed over to the consumer or to a third party designated by the consumer, who is not a carrier.

In order for the consumer to exercise the right to unilateral termination of the contract, he must inform the seller of his decision to unilaterally terminate the contract before the expiration of 14 days by an unequivocal statement sent by mail to DELI REN d.o.o., CELEGA 9, 52466 Novigrad or by e-mail to, in which he will state his name, address, telephone number, fax number or e-mail address, and the consumer may, at his own choice, use and attached below is an example of a form for unilateral termination of the contract. A copy of the form for unilateral termination of the contract can be filled in electronically by the consumer by clicking on unilateral termination of the contract. Acknowledgment of receipt of the statement of unilateral termination of the contract shall be delivered by the seller to the consumer without delay, by e-mail. In the event of termination of the contract, each party is obliged to return to the other party what it received under the contract.

Except when the seller has offered to take over the by self the goods which consumer returning, the seller must refund the payment only after the goods are returned to him, ie, after the consumer provides proof that he sent the goods back to the seller, if the seller was notified before receipt goods.

The seller is not obliged to reimburse the additional costs resulting from the consumer's explicit choice of mode of transport which is different from the cheapest type of standard transport offered by the seller.

The seller must make a refund using the same means of payment used by the consumer when paying, unless the consumer explicitly agrees to another means of payment, and assuming that the consumer is not obliged to pay any additional costs for such a refund.

Unless the seller has offered to take over the goods by himself which should be returned by the consumer, the consumer must return the goods without delay and at the latest within 14 days of notifying the seller of his decision to terminate the contract.

It is considered that the consumer has fulfilled his obligation to return the goods on time if he sends the goods before the expiration of the deadline or hands them over to the seller, ie to the person authorized by the seller to receive the goods.

The consumer is responsible for any impairment of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods other than that which was necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the product.

In order for the consumer to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods, he can handle the goods and inspect the goods only in the way that is usual when buying goods at the seller's premises. The goods that the buyer intends to return within 14 days must not be used or take any other action that would reduce the value of the goods.

In the period in which the consumer exercises the right of return, he must keep the goods with due care, ie he must act as a particularly careful and conscientious person. In the event of impairment of the product resulting from the handling of the product, the seller will be charged from the amount of the purchase price received in the ratio of impairment of the goods at its own discretion, taking into account the objective criteria of each case.

The right to terminate the contract of sale is not allowed in the following cases when the subject of the contract is sealed goods that due to health or hygiene reasons are not suitable for return, if it was unsealed after delivery.

When the buyer is a natural person, the section of these General Terms and Conditions entitled "Right to unilateral termination of the contract" does not apply to him. For legal entities, the Law on Obligations and the Law on Electronic Commerce apply.

The direct costs of returning the goods must be borne by the user. The user is asked to call +385 98 606 264 or contact before the termination of the Agreement in order to be explained the procedure for returning the goods.

Download the form (PDF)

Notice of the manner of written consumer complaint

All complaints in accordance with Article 10 of the Consumer Protection Act, the consumer may send by mail to the address DELI REN, CELEGA 9, 52466 Novigrad or e-mail to

In order for the Seller to respond to a written complaint to the consumer that was not sent by e-mail, consumers are asked to provide accurate information about their name and surname and the address to which they will be sent a response.

The seller must legally provide a response to the consumer's complaint in writing no later than 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.

In the event of a dispute, the Seller and the consumer will resolve the dispute amicably, and if the same is not possible, the Municipal Civil Court in Zagreb has jurisdiction with the application of Croatian law. Dispute resolution is possible before the Court of Honor of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce or other conciliation centers.

Consumer disputes can be resolved through the European Commission's ODR platform.

If the consumer accepts the General Terms and Conditions, he accepts all other conditions listed on the website, and all other provisions listed on that website.

If the consumer does not agree with any part of the pre-contractual notice or the General Terms and Conditions, he is asked not to use the website and not to enter into a contract of sale..

The Seller reserves the right to change these General Terms and Conditions without prior notice. The general business conditions are in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Croatia.

The rules on written consumer complaints do not apply to legal entities, to which the Civil Obligations Act and the Electronic Commerce Act apply.

Material defects on products

The seller is liable for material defects of the product until the moment of transfer of risk to the buyer (the moment of handing over the goods to the buyer or a third party designated by the buyer, who is not the carrier), regardless of whether the material defect was known. It is also liable for those material defects that occur after the transfer of risk to the customer if they are the result of a cause that existed before that. It is understood that a defect that occurred within six months of the transfer of risk to the buyer existed at the time of the transfer of risk, unless the seller proves otherwise or the contrary arises from the nature of the thing or the nature of the defect. The disadvantage is:

  • if the thing does not have the necessary properties for its regular use or for trade,
  • if the thing does not have the necessary properties for the special use for which the buyer is procuring it, and which was known to the seller or must have been known to him,
  • if the item does not have the properties and characteristics that are explicitly or tacitly agreed, ie prescribed, when the seller has submitted an item that is not identical to the sample or model, unless the sample or model is shown only for information,
  • if the thing does not have properties that otherwise exist in other things of the same type and that the buyer could reasonably expect according to the nature of the thing, especially taking into account public statements of sellers, manufacturers and their representatives about the properties of things (advertisements, marking things, etc.).

The User is obliged to inform the Seller about the existence of visible defects within two months from the day when he discovered the defect, and no later than within two years from the transfer of risk to the consumer.

When upon receipt of the item by the User it turns out that the item has a defect that could not be detected by normal inspection when taking over the item, the User is obliged, under threat of loss of rights, to notify the seller within two months from the date of the defect discovered.

The seller is not liable for defects that appear after two years have elapsed since the delivery of the goods. The rights of the buyer who notified the Seller of the defect in a timely manner shall expire after the expiration of two years, counting from the day the notice was sent to the seller, unless the seller was prevented by the seller from realizing them.

If the existence of a material defect is determined, the Seller may have one of the following obligations, all in accordance with the rules of the Civil Obligations Act:

  • defect removal,
  • delivery of another product without defect,
  • price reduction,
  • contract termination.

When the buyer is a legal entity, the rules on material deficiency prescribed by the Civil Obligations Act apply to him, especially in the part where the material defect for legal entities is regulated differently from the General Terms and Conditions, then the Civil Obligations Act applies.

The rights based on the material lack of things are regulated by the Law on Obligations.

When the buyer is a legal entity, the rules on material defect prescribed by the Civil Obligations Act apply to him, especially in the part where the material defect for legal entities is regulated differently from the General Terms and Conditions, then the Civil Obligations Act applies.

Security and payment

Payment security statement

The most modern standards in data protection are applied - Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol with 128-bit data encryption and MD5 algorithm. The ISO 8583 protocol ensures that the exchange of data between the payment system and the authorization centers of card companies takes place in a private network, which is protected from unauthorized access by a double layer of "firewall".

Privacy Statement

Seller undertakes to provide protection of personal data of buyers, so that it collects only the necessary, basic data on buyers / users that are necessary to fulfill the Seller's obligations. The Seller informs Users about how to use the collected data, regularly giving customers the option of usage of their data, including the ability to decide whether or not to remove their name from the lists used for marketing campaigns.

All User data is strictly kept and is available only to employees who need this data to perform their work. All employees of the Seller and business partners of the Seller are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.

Protection of personal data

General provisions

The general conditions for the protection of personal data relate to personal data contained on the website and which are processed using the website, ie collected and stored by the head of the personal data collection DELI REN d.o.o., CELEGA 9, 52466 Novigrad, OIB: 78079473424 (hereinafter: the Seller) from a natural person as a respondent (hereinafter: the User).

The seller collects personal data for the purpose of concluding and fulfilling sales contracts, records of completed customer orders, unique customer identification, business analysis, marketing, implementation of reward systems, product delivery, preparation of documentation related to sales, technical support and authorization of credit and debit card payments.

The seller as a provider of the website is committed to the protection of privacy and personal data. Users are asked to read the General Terms and Conditions in order to better understand what data the Seller collects and how and for what purposes it is used.

If the User has any questions related to the protection of personal data, he can contact the Seller directly to the e-mail address

Users are kindly requested to read the General Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection carefully. By providing personal data via the website and agreeing to the General Terms and Conditions via the website, the User confirms that he has read, understood and agrees with the General Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection, and agrees to collection, processing and use of your personal data in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions.

If the user does not agree with the General Terms and Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection, he is obliged to leave and not use the website

The General Terms and Conditions of the website apply to all issues that are not specifically regulated by the General Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection.

Changes to the general terms and conditions of personal data protection

The Seller may amend or supplement the General Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection at any time by publishing the amended text on the website Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions for the Protection of Personal Data shall enter into force immediately upon publication on the website

As a respondent, the user is responsible and obliged to review and study the applicable General Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection available on the website before each provision of personal data.

Personal data processed and the use of personal data

On the website the Seller collects the following personal data of respondents: name and surname, password, telephone number, address, e-mail address, product shipping address, billing address, postal code, city, gender, date of birth, company and OIB (VAT number) for companies only.

The following persons may have insight into the personal data of users in the execution of their scope of work related to sales contracts concluded by buyers with the Seller: legal entities participating in the execution of sales contracts such as delivery services, bookkeeping services, IT support, marketing support, companies associated with the Seller, public bodies that require the submission of personal data in accordance with the regulations binding on the Seller, and about which the Seller keeps collections of personal data.

The Buyer/User agrees that the Seller may process personal data for the purposes of its own records and statistics, for the purpose of creating a database of customers, informing about products and services, for information on delivery, for the delivery of promotional materials, improving customer relations and service improvements.

The Seller may provide this information to third parties for the purpose of fulfilling the contract, protecting the interests of users and Sellers and preventing possible abuse, the need for better insight and understanding of individual needs and requirements of users and developing opportunities to provide all services of sellers which results better user satisfaction.

The Seller will keep personal data as long as necessary for the purposes provided for in these General Terms and Conditions.

The Seller shall ensure that the User's personal data is kept in a secure place (which includes reasonable administrative, technical and physical protection to prevent unauthorized use, access, disclosure, copying or alteration of personal data), which can only be accessed by the Seller's authorized persons.

Seller undertakes to provide users with access to their personal data in its possession to ensure that personal data is accurate, complete and up to date.

If users request the correction or deletion of their personal data, the Seller will modify or remove such data.

The Seller does not record or store the User's transaction data required for payment by cards.

The head of the personal data collection is DELI REN d.o.o.

Personal data in personal data collections are adequately protected against accidental or intentional misuse, destruction, loss, unauthorized alteration or access.

The head of the personal data collection has taken the technical, personnel and organizational measures for the protection of personal data necessary to protect personal data from accidental loss or destruction and from unauthorized access, unauthorized alteration, unauthorized publication and any other misuse and determined the obligation of persons employees in data processing to sign a confidentiality statement.

The user of the website has the right to obtain information on the collection and processing of his personal data from the head of the personal data collection. The head of the personal data collection shall submit no later than 30 days from the submission of the request, to each user of the website at his request, or at the request of his legal representatives or proxies:

  • provide confirmation as to whether personal data relating to him are being processed or not,
  • give information in an understandable form about the data related to him whose processing is in progress and about the source of that data,
  • enable insight into personal data contained in the collection of personal data related to him and their transcription,
  • submit excerpts, certificates or printouts of personal data contained in the collection of personal data relating to him, which must contain an indication of the purpose and legal basis for the collection, processing and use of such data,
  • submit a printout of data on who and for what purposes and on what legal basis received the use of personal data relating to him,
  • give notice of the logic of any automatic data processing relating to him.

At the request of the user of the website, or his legal representatives or proxies, the head of the personal data collection is obliged to supplement, amend or delete personal data if the data is incomplete, inaccurate or out of date.

Irrespective of the request of the user of the website, in case the head of the personal data collection determines that the personal data is incomplete, inaccurate or out of date, he will supplement or change it himself.

The head of the personal data collection is obliged to inform the person to whom the personal data relates and the recipients of personal data about the completed addition, change or deletion of personal data within 30 days at the latest.

When a user engages in certain activities on the website such as opening an account, using an online store, filling out surveys, comments, publishing content, participating in contests or sweepstakes, sending feedback, seeking information about services, responding to a job advertisement, the Seller may request the user to provide certain additional personal information. In that case, before providing additional personal data, the user is obliged to study the General Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection and agree to their application in relation to additional data.

Depending on the types of activities, some of the requested data are defined as mandatory and some as voluntary. If the user does not provide mandatory information for the activity that requires them, he will not be allowed to participate in that activity.

The seller collects and uses personal data to enable users to use services and activities through the website, improve the operation of the website create a database of users to improve service and/or marketing, contact users to deliver marketing notices, improve advertising and promotional activities and analyze the use of the website Also, personal data can be used to solve problems, perform administrative tasks and establish contact with users.

By providing personal data and accepting the General Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection, the user agrees to be informed by the Seller and the persons listed in these General Terms and Conditions of their promotional activities, products and services.

Providing personal information

By providing personal data pursuant to the General Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection, the user agrees that the Seller agrees to use his personal data for use by persons related to it for the purpose of marketing, marketing and promotional activities, and marketing notices. Any other disclosure of personal data to third parties may be made only in accordance with the legal regulations governing the protection of personal data.

Additions and corrections to personal data

The seller believes that each respondent should be able to ensure the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of their personal information. If the user considers that his personal data is incomplete, inaccurate or out of date, he may contact the Seller by sending an e-mail to and request an appropriate supplement, change or deletion of personal data.

The seller recommends users to update the personal data as soon as possible in the event of a change. Users may also request deletion or removal of account information.

Data protection

The seller is extremely committed to the protection of personal data and has taken various precautions to protect the personal data of users. The user can access personal data on the website using a password and e-mail address.

Confidentiality of third party data

The general conditions of personal data protection apply only to the use and utilization of data collected by the Seller from the respondents. Other websites that can be accessed through the website have their own statements of confidentiality and data collection, as well as the ways in which they are used and published. If the user visits one or more other websites via the website, the Seller recommends the users to review the privacy statement of that site. The seller is not responsible for the ways and conditions of work of third parties.

Other data

In addition to personal data, the Seller may request from the user other data that cannot be identified, and are not considered personal data (for example, data on how to use the site, computer, Internet server, preferences, hobbies, interests, activities), which the Seller enable better, more accurate and personal selection of data for users, improvement of the website and additional routing and adaptation of its content to users. Based on this information, the Seller learns information about which contents are the most popular among which users.

User privacy

According to the law of the European Union, the Seller informs the users that the website uses cookies in order to ensure the highest quality of service. Cookies in the user's browser allow the Seller to ensure the operation of all functions of the Internet portal, to adapt certain content specifically for each user and with analysis of visits to constantly improves the Internet portal.

How cookies are stored can be set by the user in the browser settings. In order to improve the experience of browsing the web portal, the Seller must store a small amount of information (cookies) on the user's computer. Over 90% of all websites use this practice, but according to European Union regulations from 25.03.2011. the seller is obliged to ask the user's consent before storing cookies. By using the website, the user agrees to the use of cookies. By blocking cookies, the user can still browse the website, but some of its features may not be available to him.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is information stored on a user's computer by a website he has visited. Cookies usually store user settings, web page settings, such as preferred language or address. Later, when the user reopens the same website, the Internet browser sends back the cookies that belong to that page. This allows the page to display information tailored to the needs of each individual user.

Cookies can store a wide range of information including personal information (such as a user's name or email address). However, this information can only be saved if the user allows it - websites cannot access information that the user has not given them permission to and cannot access other files on the user's computer. The default activities for saving and sending cookies to users are not visible. However, the user can change his internet browser settings so that he can choose whether to approve or reject requests to save cookies by deleting the saved cookies automatically when closing the internet browser and the like.
