Franc Arman Franc Arman

Essential oil (Helichrysum italicum)

Essential oil (Helichrysum italicum), Riva Essenze
14,60 €
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Minimum order: 2
  • Code : 00107
  • Manufacturer : Riva Essenze
  • Species : Lavender
  • Location : Novigrad: ISTRA
  • Packaging : 5ml

The precious essential oil of distillery obtained by distillation of this humble and undemanding Mediterranean plant has very specific properties.
When it comes to treating bruises, there is no better remedy in aromatherapy than immortelle oil.

It should also be used as an ingredient in therapeutic blends for the treatment of swelling and inflamed and varicose veins.

It acts as an anti-inflammatory, reduces pain and soothes, and is used as an ingredient in preparations for the treatment of muscle aches and cramps, rheumatoid arthritis, stretching, back pain, various neuralgia.

It relieves colds, flu and fever, sinus and ear infections, and chronic and spastic coughs.

Due to its highly regenerative effect, it is invaluable in the healing and care of all types of skin damage.

Its rich, warm, pungent, floral-honey scent works invigorating and anti-depressant. It facilitates states of exhaustion, apathy and lethargy, balances emotions, clears thoughts, encourages attention, intuition and creativity.

Data on the use of essential oil are for informational purposes only. Consult a licensed aromatherapist before using essential oil.


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