Cattunar Cattunar

Pancettosa salami - whole

Pancettosa salami - whole, Histris
19,30 €
  • Code : 01122
  • Manufacturer : Histris
  • Species : Cured meat and sausages
  • Location : Sveti Petar u Šumi
  • Packaging : 600g

Histris Pancettosa's name is associated with "cremoso", which in translation from the Italian language would mean "creamy". And what else is pancetta but a cream that simply melts in your mouth in contact with warm bread, combining the notes of white fatty tissue dotted with red lines of meat and Mediterranean spices? Pancetto salami is made from pieces of pancetta. It is the perfect introduction to an unforgettable gastronomic journey with a piece of warm bread and a glass of white wine.

Type of meat: pork belly (belly)

Spices: laurel, salt, pepper


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