Castello ( Merlot i Syrah )

- Code : 00639
- Manufacturer : Vina Laguna - Festigia
- Species : Merlot
- Year of manufacture : 2021
- Location : Poreč : ISTRA
- Alcohol : 13.8 %
- Serving temperature : 18-20 °C
- Packaging : 0,75l
This premium and award-winning wine, a blend of Merlot and Syrah varieties, is an excellent example of what, despite the hot summers, can be achieved on the vineyards of the Western Istria Vineyard, which is constantly caressed by the fresh breeze from the sea. The pronounced aromas of mixed berries, notes of pepper and oak, as well as the silky taste and durability of the aroma, are the result of the harmonious union of these two varieties. Castell lovers serve it with beef dishes, such as carpaccia and beefsteak tartar, and along with the finest Istrian truffles.
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